3.1 The current state of the management of information resources

The data in the City’s systems may be updated in slightly different ways, the ways in which data is processed may differ from one another and employees may record data in different ways. These are but some factors that may negatively impact the accuracy and integrity of data and thus reduce its quality.

Data quality becomes a problem when the aim is to combine different information resources for the purpose of preparing reports, analyses or models. Combination is often difficult, or even impossible, if there are no common identifiers, shared concepts or information models for the data. Combination may also be hindered by data not being interoperable due to the different ways in which the data is comprehended and processed.

Increasing investment in the quality of data will significantly increase the secondary use of data in the future. Data should be convenient to utilise and help promote data-driven decision-making. With this in mind, the City will eliminate unnecessary repetition and steps in the production of data by providing access to a common knowledge base. This will also facilitate the compilation of statistics and improve the quality of research, development and innovation activities, decision-making, the steering and monitoring carried out by the authorities and the knowledge base required for various assessments, planning activities and forecasts.
